It has been a little while since I popped in here to leave a few words, and I thought I’d share what’s been going on.
As many will already know June 13 brought the RoDpocalypse… the couple of weeks of downtime when the server decided to go for a permanent coffee break. It started with a few updates, a force quit by Conran and apparently the server just couldn’t take it any more, went out for cigarettes and never came back. I will say that bringing up an alternate port was a good idea, I’m not a huge fan of Helter Skelter mode but it certainly got some people interested in player killing (PKill), so huzzah, and allowed the rest of us to stay in touch at least. I will express my thanks to everyone who worked hard to bring the game back up, especially to Thoric (Derek Snider) who has been keeping the lights on for almost 20 years.
The RoDpocalypse had little affect on me personally, as I was renovating and painting our new rental house and honestly had very, very little time for any online activities. I did lose 2 level 2 rerollers, good stats but nothing I can’t roll again 🙂 The biggest disappointment … no birthday cake! Ah well, maybe next year.
So that’s a little of it… the other part is that I have been hanging out on another SMAUG mud … yes, I’ve been unfaithful… but it’s not what you think! I’ve been over on Zistrosk’s port helping to get the Guild of Spirit built. The guild merge has been coming for a long time and I think one of the problems that’s been stalling it is too many people starting and quitting over personality conflicts. That’s just an opinion, I haven’t been around this since the beginning so I can only comment on the little I’ve seen. GoS also suffers from the fact that some of the guilds that are merging into it are, in this author’s opinion, the most inactive guilds on RoD. I have observed that at least one of the guilds that could have really chipped in and made this area something special chose to simply oppose the entire merge idea. It’s too bad because their headquarters was one of the nicer written headquarters and their input would have been valuable. Notwithstanding, I’ve worked as much as possible to incorporate them into this new guild and I really hope they participate, but I won’t hold my breath.
I’m excited about the guild merge, I think it’s a good thing. I will say I’m impressed with the new Guild of Nature, kudos to Zistrosk, Elendure and all the others who worked on it. If there was a guild I was going to be critical of, this would be it, having been long time members of both Guild of Rangers and Guild of Druids. I think it has a new feel to it but does work to incorporate a fair amount from the old guilds without feeling cut and pasted.