August already and some other stuff

Well August is upon us and I realize that for most of July I haven’t had the time to get back into the Realms the way I enjoy being present.

I did do a little bit of contract levelling, though I must admit thieves are starting to annoy me due to their real damage capabilities not showing up until the 40s, the XP cap on circle and backstab and well … I guess it’s mostly that they should be done and I’m annoyed they’re not 🙂

I have participated in a couple of quests and managed to finish colourizing the rooms in my house but I haven’t had the chance to go ahead and do any doodling.

So just a note to say I haven’t disappeared.  Work’s been busy and final exams are prepared but mostly it’s been trying to finish my thesis that’s been dragging on and on and on.  Once that’s done it’s time for some runs, who’s up? 😀