Hi all,
Questnews and Twitter and Facebook are telling me all about the Inter-Order Pkill Event that Gonnil will be hosting on May 8th and my personal response is that I’d rather slam my thumb in a door.
I’m not anti-pk so I’d like to establish a few points here
- I suck at pk due to a thorough lack of experience.
- I think that mk gameplay gets stale and boring and leads to mpdamage programs designed to make you scrap, to disrupt fight triggers, to muddle with your ability to quaff, to penalize you for normal gameplay. Alternately the mob is placed somewhere that’s a royal pain to get to and/or highly sensitive to the game crashing and ruining a couple of hours of effort.
- PK is the only gameplay mode that actually offers any reasonable, sustainable challenge because human players are adaptive.
With that said I completely object to the idea of an Inter-Order event that allows game play on non-ordered alts. Why not just make this a “teams” event an be done with it? Well because the Order of Arcanes was recently revitalized from the ranks of PK players instead of being deleted from the game as it probably should have been. Inactive organizations die out .. it’s not a big deal, it’s a normal thing. We have 7 orders… given the playerbase … really that’s lots.
I spoke with Gonnil and his replies were along the lines of “anyone can have a pk character” and that nerfing the quaff speed of the PK characters was the biggest needed equalizer.
Maybe, but once more, why bother calling it IOPK?
Good luck to all who compete. I know Arcanes will be solidly represented and I imagine so will Dragonslayer, pkJoe and pkJim leading the way. I don’t know but I can imagine Inconnu being solidly represented. Ringbearers is not an org with many pk people in it so it’s doubtful we’ll participate, but I hope that the event is fun for those who want to be involved. All I can say is that if this was an attempt to engage with what little community exists on Realms and stimulate interest I think it’s a fail.