Cut and paste from my note on the reunion board:
[ 20] Tharius: Reunion 2014, 20 years!
Fri Jul 18 13:19:01 2014
To: You!
Dateline: Cambridge
Sources reveal that Mrs. Thoric, aka Jane-who-does-not-play has invited the
Realms community to attend a BBQ to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the
Realms of Despair!
The details are posted at
and are visible without a FB account. If you would like an RSVP posted
without creating a Facebook account please drop me a mudmail and I will be
happy to cut and paste for you.
(I am not affiliated with the event, just spreading the word, all credit
and props to Jane-who-does-not-play and her assembled team of minions.
If you are not on Facebook and somehow read this blog and would like your name passed to Jane, please let me know “somehow”.
I am planning to attend and made sure to extend the invitation to my the rest of my household. So if you’re in the situation of inviting a significant other who barely understands why you stare at text for hours on end and call it fun to a BBQ for said text game, you should be familiar with the “are you out of your mind” look.
Jane’s invitation for people to feel free to cosplay had her eyebrows up and asking “Uhm, they don’t expect everyone to dress up do they?”. You know what, given the general level of geek out there perpetuated by Big Bang Theory and various ComicCons, I’m going to give her that one. The answer is “no, of course not”. At least for me it is 🙂 Over the years I have observed a wide variety of costumes but for the most part, I think the accepted uniform is “wear whatever you are going to be comfortable in” 🙂
So if your guest is thinking that they will be the only one there who doesn’t get it and doesn’t know what it’s about, fear not! Along with Jane-who-does-not-play there will be one other and my mini-me in attendance looking to make fun of … well me anyway.
… and just so you know why I don’t even attempt to cosplay … from Hallowe’en many, many moons ago.